
Cancellation 28 days prior to arrival

Prepayment & final numbers 28 days prior to arrival

FREE PLACE: 1 single FOC per 20 paying pax

CITY TAX: please notify us if any relevant city taxes need to be paid prior to arrival

Hotel rewards accounts – please allocate the booking to the following relevant accounts

IHG rewards: 648358482

Le Club Accor: 3081031980566963

Any agreed commission will be deducted from the pro-forma / prepayment invoice, if not agreed the
commission invoices must be paid within 28 days of receipt.

Please issue invoice to rooms4groups.co.uk including any required deposit payments as agreed.

Any agreed deposits will be paid to the supplier on receipt of payment from the client and where
possible within 4 weeks of confirmation date.

Rooms released prior to 14 days will not be charged, payment will be made based on final numbers
on receipt of invoice.

Payment will be made by BACS – please ensure bank details are included on invoices.

All rates negotiated are COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL and should NOT be made visible or available to
the group directly.

Any additional rooms booked should be made through rooms4groups.co.uk otherwise the supplier
should charge full standard rate for any rooms booked directly.

Rooms4groups are only responsible for payment for the services as agreed on this booking form (or
confirmed in writing by rooms4groups subsequently) extras are settled directly by the guests.

Rooms4groups are not responsible for any damages – payment guarantee should be directly from the guest on check in for extra and damages.

Hotels must be fully update to date and compliant with all relevant health & safety checks &
certificates. Rooms4groups are not responsible for anything caused to guests.

Should your hotel no longer be able to accept the booking the hotel will upgrade the booking (to a
higher standard of hotel in the same location) at full cost and at the satisfaction of the customer and rooms4groups – book outs will not be accepted unless authorised.